Mabeloid Website

Oi oi! This is our first hack. Thanks to the discord for help with every issue that came our way. Extra thanks to ShiN3 for the Magic Console patch, falcobuster for the extended vertical boundaries patch and jesusyoshi for the slope fix patch. Everything had to be learnt from the ground up, so I'm pretty proud of what we've accomplished! We hope you enjoy.

- Brum & Mabel
Mario with a burger

Burger 64 is me and Brum's collab submission for the 2024 SimpleFlips Slide Hack Competition!

An open oven

The secret underground penguin society is at risk of starving, and with nobody else to rely on, it's up to Mario to take on a delivery job!

Help Mario bring the burger to hungry customers in more than two levels of totally deliverious fun!

Burgers deployed:   129

Download here!

Mario with a burger inside the restaurant
Mario with a burger in The Big Icicle
Mario with a burger in the Titan's Kitchen
Course overview of the Titan's Kitchen

player reviews

“The person who made this is sick and twisted”    - SimpleFlips

“It, it was good. It made me want burg.”    - Vinny Vinesauce

“Man, the quality of these submissions just keeps consistently going up every competition, much like the size of a hypothetical penny. The community should truly be proud of their collective accomplishments.”    - funx24X7

“hello soimple filps hi. burger 64 is my favotirte, hope you enjoyed the hack.”    - LexyMinus

“Awesome first hack. I am always amazed to see what people with fresh eyes can do in terms of their ideas!”    - Magnus_Von_Crumple